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Crazy Quilting
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Crazy Quilting

SKU: BK00126

UPC: 810065021557

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Today's Crazy Quilting with Your Embroidery Machine

Inside this 80-page book, machine embroidery expert Eileen Roche teaches you the secrets to creating gorgeous crazy quilt blocks using the flip-and-stitch technique. Once you've mastered that, you'll learn how to step up your blocks by adding embroidery designs and embellishments.

Six projects, including a pillow, wall hanging, treasure box and three in-the-hoop bags, give you the perfect opportunity to practice your blocks and experiment with different embroidery designs and trims. Plus the accompanying CD includes all the files you need to get started!

  • Three different crazy quilt blocks with decorative stitching
  • Twelve embroidery designs to use on your blocks
  • Three in-the-hoop projects

And to take your designs even further, this book includes instructions for creating your own crazy quilt blocks using My Quilt Embellisher software. Follow the steps in the book and watch the video on the CD to learn everything you need to know.

With Today's Crazy Quilting with Your Embroidery Machine, you'll be stitching up beautiful blocks—and projects—in no time.


Embroidery formats include:

Embroidery design sizes:
Embroidery files measure within a 5" x 7"/ 130mm x 180mm hoop, except the Clutch project, which requires a 8" x 12"/ 200mm x 300mm hoop.

Embroidery software and hardware to transfer design files from CD to embroidery machine.

brighly colored crazy quilt patch pillow with purple and green rufflesVertical trio of crazy quilted blocks with black windowpane borderspink and gold crazy quilted book cover sample

crazy quilted clutch purse with wrist strap and scalloped edge closurelavender clutch purse with handmade lace topsnapped clutch purse made of crazy quilted fabric with lace floral embellishment

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