Embrilliance has developed a way to look up your license key, so that you can download the platform on your new computer and enter your serial number. That will bring in all of the included fonts. Here is where to look up your serial number: https://embrilliance.com/retrieve-your-serial-numb...
When lettering with Embrilliance Essentials, I hit the A to bring up the lettering. But, the far right column which contains the actual lettering tools is gone. I can't get it to come back. Help?
Hi, Ann. Try this: In Essentials, go to the "View" menu, select "Toolbars and Windows" and then click on "Reset Toolbars and Windows". That should resolve the issue. Please let us know if you need further assistance.
These fonts come with "Essentials" . Embrilliance is set up so that you can purchase the modules you need. Most people start with essentials before moving on to stitch artist. The great news is that Stitch-Artist will let you work with the True-Type fonts that come on your computer which gives you unlimited choices. Since Stitch-Artist is a digitizing program, it will automatically generate stitches for true-type fonts.
Kirsten, Are these fonts also referred to as keyboard fonts? I have Essentials but have never had the time to play with it. This list of fonts that you showed us over to the right... the ones with the little pen in front of it are all Essential fonts which means they are all keyboard fonts. Am I correct in assuming that?
Hi Dottie, thanks for the question! The answer is yes. The fonts I showed in the Font Tour video and listed in the Essentials included Font Faq page are all keyboard fonts. This means you can simply type them in, not having to open and place individual letter design files. If you import .bx fonts into your Embrilliance, those imported fonts are the ones that show with the "pen" or "needle" icon in front of them. They are keyboard fonts, too, and can be used in the same way.
These fonts come with Essentials. Other modules (Enthusiast, AlphaTricks, Density Repair Kit, StitchArtist) include only one font -Block, shown above. StitchArtist additionally lets you work with the TrueType fonts which are on your computer.
Linda T.
I changed computers how can I re download the Brillant essentials how do I send them to my machine, I had problems with that
I dont remember if I got a license key or not how do I find out