Hi Martine,
Hello from the United States! Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions. Unfortunately DIME Embroidery Tool Shed doesn't support PHD files at this time. When you are saving a design into PES format, go ahead and choose PES v9. Feel free to try one of these free designs (rotated periodically) to test it out. Let us know if you have any other questions and have a great day!
Leah W.
[email protected]
Martine R.
Hello, I do have 2 questions regarding the tool Embroidery Tool Shed ( sorry for the English I am French and leaving in France).
I uploaded for now the free version.
1. I have a brother Innovis F580 (my Christmas present) and I can file on USB the designs I loaded and modified on my machine. When I file on the brother machine, I get PHD files. I tried to load these files on Embroidery Tool Shed but they do not look right. I thought ETS supports PHD files. Any explanation regarding this concern, please?
2. I loaded a PES design on ETS and did some updates. Now when filing the new design I need to select among several version of PES file. Would you have any advise which version I should select to go with my brother Innovis F580?
I thank you in advance for your help
Best regards