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amy.owens at

Does the width of your fabric determine what size rod you need? How hard is it to turn over to bury your floss ends

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Donnett H.

Hi Amy

Yes the width of your fabric does determine what size scroll rods you use. I recommend that you have at least 1 inch on each side of your scroll frames for you fingers to scroll it up. So if your fabric is 24” wide you would use 26” rods. Now you can always put a smaller project on larger rods, I do that all the time especially if my smaller rods already have a project on them.

The scroll frame is easy to turn over to get to the back . Loosen the knobs that attach the scroll frame to the legs and flip it over. When done flip it back and tighten the knobs, you may need to keep a screw driver handy to help you tighten them.

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amy.owens at

Thanks so much for answering my question. I’m excited about purchasing a lap stand soon

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Barbara W.

You did a very good job speaking and putting together the lap stand. when it goes on sale i want one.

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Sue K.

I wish they still had the floor stands...was looking for one for a friend of mine, I love mine...

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Donnett H.

We have just taken over manufacturing of the EZ Stitch products. So it may be a couple months before we could see about creating a floor stand, but keep checking back.

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