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E-Z Stitch Scroll Frame Set, Tape Version / 30 inch Heavy Duty
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E-Z Stitch Scroll Frame Set, Tape Version / 30 inch Heavy Duty


UPC: 804551195174

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E-Z Stitch Frame Set, Tape Version includes 2 scroll rods, 2 side bars, 4 oak knobs and a roll of Tape for Fabric. E-Z Stitch Tape, a Hook and Loop product, has eliminated the need to stitch the fabric to the rods and allows you to effortlessly attach, remove and reattach your project from the rods. Scroll frames come in a variety of sizes to fit your needs. The “size” of the frame sets refers to the length of the scroll rods. Increasing the size will increase the width of the frame for the stitching project.

Each Scroll Frame Set includes:
2 Wood Rods, with Tape for Rods (Loop Tape) pre-attached to the dowels. End bolts come attached 
2 Oak Side Bars
4 Oak Knobs
1 roll of tape

*The size of the rods, side bars, and length of tape you receive will vary depending on which frame set you purchase. How much tape you receive will be determined by the size of the rods. For example, if you order a 14" frame set, you will receive 28" of Tape for Fabric (hook tape), enough to attach to the top and bottom of your fabric.

How it works: There are two separate parts to make the system work the Tape for Scroll Rods (loop tape) & Tape for Fabric (hook tape). Each part has a sticky back, the Tape for Scroll Rods comes pre-applied to the Scroll Rods. The Tape for Fabric attaches across each end of your fabric or canvas. Click Here for Video Demo of how to attach the Tape to the Fabric.

The Tape for Fabric and & Rods eliminates the need for hand stitching or machine sewing the fabric to the webbing of the scroll rods. The hook and loop tape system allows you to remove and reattach your project in seconds.

The size of scroll frame sets refers to the length of the scroll rods. Regular scroll rods are 1/2” in diameter and frame kits are are available in sizes 8”, 10", 12”, 14", 16”, 18", 20", 22",  and 24."

The heavy duty rods are 5/8” in diameter and frame kits are available in 18”, 20", 22”, 24”, 26”, and 28." Our largest rods have a 3/4" diameter and frames are available in lengths of 30" and 36.”

Frame sets are also available in a Webbing Version, which eliminates the need for hook and loop tape allowing you to hand or machine stitch your project to a strip of webbing that is permanently affixed to the rod.

For more Video Demos on all E-Z Stitch Products check out Donnett's E-Z Stitch Needlework Scroll Frame Blog.

This Set Includes:

  • Side Bar 10” (set of 2)

  • Scroll Rod 30” Heavy Duty (5/8” diameter) with Tape for Rods (set of 2)

  • One roll of Tape for Fabric (specially formulated VELCRO® Brand hook) – 60”

  • Knobs (set of 4)

Robbie M.

I purchased several sizes of scroll frames with a lap stand. I am loving how much easier it is to stitch. I can stitch all the way across without moving a hoop. Then I can easily roll from top to bottom any way I want. I am in my recliner with my feet up and stitching away. The scroll frames and stand were an investment and well worth it for much easier stitching. Plus I loved that I could just go onto my drawer and grab the velcro tape and my fabric was attached in like 5 minutes. I am so glad I found 11 years ago.

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Leah W.

Hi Robbie,

You are so sweet, and we really appreciate your kind review of EZ Stitch. Thanks for being a part of our embroidery community!

Leah W.
[email protected]

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Cecilia M.

Hello, i have a project that will be 25"h x 35"w on 36x54 fabric and I think having it on a scroll frame might make things a bit easier. What size would I need? I have never used a scroll frame before.

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Leah W.

Hi Cecilia,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. I have sent you an email with some information that will help you with your project. Please let us know if you have any further questions, and have a great day!

Leah W.
[email protected]

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Cindy Lea R.

Can you purchase side bars any longer than 10 in for the scroll frame?

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Leah W.

Hey Cindy,

That's a great question. The great thing about the EZ-Stitch Scroll Frames is that they are very customizable. Here is a link to all of our sidebar options that can be used to increase the versatility of your frame. We have 12" and 16" that are larger than what you have been looking at. I hope this information helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions, and have a great day.

Leah W.
[email protected]

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wendy l.

Hi, I am working on a project that is 40w x 30h (inches). can you help me with that?

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Leah W.

Hi Wendy,

This is a great question! I sent an email to the address that we have on file that should help with this issue. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Happy Stitching!

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Susie H.

Hi Jeanne, Can you tell me if, as name suggests, you can scroll up and down as necessary when stitching, or is it fixed? So if work measures 18”x18” on an 18” x 12” frame, for example, I can adjust rollers accordingly and therefore part of design I am not working on, rolls around the rollers? Hope this makes sense!

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Jeanne E.

Hi Susie,

I think that I know what you're meaning. Yes, the rods will roll the fabric and won't make the fabric stay stuck in one spot. One of my coworkers Donnett made demos on the EZ Stitch products, so here's a link to one of her videos on the frames. At about 1:45 minutes she'll start showing how to attach the fabric, and roll the fabric.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!

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Todd A.

How long are the side bars on the 24" kit?

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Jeanne E.

Hi Todd,

Thanks for the question. The 24" regular set has 8" side bars, and the 24" heavy duty set has 10" side bars. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Have a good day!

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Susie H.

Hi Jeanne, Can you tell me if, as name suggests, you can scroll up and down as necessary when stitching, or is it fixed? So if work measures 18”x18” on an 18” x 12” frame, for example, I can adjust rollers accordingly and therefore part of design I am not working on, rolls around the rollers? Hope this makes sense!

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Joanne S.

Hi, I have a project that is 6” by 28 1/2”, cross-stitch, 14 count. Which kit should I get? I know it will be one of the larger kits. Should it be on a stand? Also, can the frame be turned to horizontal?

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Jeanne E.

Hi Joanne,

Thanks for checking. We recommend that you use rods that are 2" wider then the fabric. In this case it would be 32", but since we don't have that size you'd need to use the 36" rods. So the kit I would recommend is the 36" kit. It can be turned horizontal, but it could be hard to hold that way if it's that large. It would be easier to use a stand, but the American Dream Lap Stand is meant for smaller project. So the stand that would work best for a large project would be the floor stand. But if you were to use just the frame, that is fine. The stand would make it easier though, for a big project. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!

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Jeanne E.

Hi Cecilia,

Thanks for reaching out to! Yes, the Lap Stand Leg Kit is compatible with any scroll rod size and side bars. So this 30" frame should be fine. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!

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Cecilia G.

Thank you

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Melissa N.

So I just bought the Last Supper cross stitch kit. It is 10" X 27" . How big of a frame will I need? Height & width. Thank you

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Jeanne E.

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for reaching out to! We recommend that you get a frame that is 2" wider then the fabric you'll be using. If your fabric is 10" wide, then you will need a 12" frame. But if your fabric is 27" wide, you'll need a 30" frame. (since all of the rods are even numbers) That way you'll have room to turn the scroll rods when you want to scroll the fabric. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Have a good night!

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Hope R.

Hi. I am new to this site so forgive me if I am posting this in the wrong place. I want to use the EZ Frame lap stand with 40 count silk gauze. Is there any reason why I would not be able to use this stand with silk gauze? Thanks!!

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Donnett H.

No there is no reason that you would not be able to use our EZ Stitch Scroll Frames with 40 ct silk gauze. I would recommend our Tape version over the webbing version i think you would get better fabric tension with the tape version. I think sewing the silk to the webbing version could damage the fabric. I would also recommend when you are finished stitching for the day to loosen the tension of the scroll rods just a bit. This will let the fabric rest in between stitching times. I hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions.

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Kandie B.

where can I get longer side bars.

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Heather B.

Just re-read your message, Kandie. If you did mean side bars, not rods, here's a link to our full range of side bars. The largest we carry at this time is 16 inches.

[email protected]

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Heather B.

Hi, Kandie. Thanks for the question. You can purchase larger, 42" or 48", rods by following the links below. Note that they don't come as complete frames, so you'll need to purchase side bars, tape for fabric, and knobs, if you don't already have them.

Further questions? Let us know.

[email protected]

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Bonnie M.

Am working on a "quick stitch" embroidery that is an enlarged version of needlepoint. Instead of fabric, this medium uses a thicker netting that frays easily, is somewhat stiff but does roll up easily. This project is 12" by 36" so I believe I need 14" scroll rods. I do not know if I should sew or use Velcro on the edges. I also don't know how long the side bars should be. Hope you can help me. Thank you.

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Heather B.

Hi, Bonnie. Thanks for contacting We received this same message from you via email and will respond to you via email. You may expect a response within the next 1 business day from [email protected]. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

[email protected]

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Fran F.

I need this frame in a 45" size. Is there any way to get that without having to buy everything individually?

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Donnett H.

Hi Fran At this time our scroll frame sets only go up to 36". We do not sell 45" scroll rods, so for 42" and 48" you would need to purchase the scroll rods, the sidebars in the size you want, a 4 pack of knobs and if you want the tape webbing version you would need a roll of tape for fabric. I can totally help you with this order if you would like, just let me know.

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Cynthia V.

Never will i get any frames from you guys! I got a 30' was not satisfied. Follow all directions including the youtube you had up follow EXCATLY like you did, yet my fabric was NOT drum tight like showen in the video. Even cut my expenisive fabric leaving at least 3' on each side for spacing, used all the small amount tape to tape the fabric from 1 edge to the other, yet still not tight at all. emailed you about this issue, you respond to my chat with Heather, yet have not heard nothing from you for 5 days now and per your return i have to return the item within 5 days of reciept yet now I just lost my money as I did not get any information on how to return this as STATED on your page, I need to contact you guys and that is EXACTLY what I did.

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Heather B.

Hi, Cynthia. We're very sorry you're disappointed. My manager, Donnett, says she has been in touch with you as I asked her to. If you're still not satisfied with your item, it is not to late too return you order. The 5 day contact window is the best case scenario, but we are more than able and willing to accept items back within 30 days, especially in a case like this where you've already been in touch with us. I am emailing you return authorization information if you wish to return your item.


[email protected]

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Tonya R.

G'morning ladies! ?I have a question. ?? I know the 24 inch rods come with the 10 inch side bars. Well, I don't want then that big. I love working with my little 6 inch side bars from the first #ILoveToStitch challenge! ?? Is there anyway you could change them to the 6 inch ones for me? Thanks! ????

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Heather B.

Thanks for the question. No, we don't substitute the side bars in these sets, but you can build your own set by buying just the rods in the size you need, side bars of your choice, a set of four knobs, and a roll of tape for fabric.

[email protected]

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Tonya R.

Thank you

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Kristine M.

hi! I have a 33 x 23.1 inch"/83.8cm x 58.8cm project. Would the 30" works or have to be the 36"? Thank you.

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Heather B.

Hi, Kristine. If your project is 33 inches wide, you would need at least a 36 inch wide scroll frame. Thanks for the question.

[email protected]

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Elizabeth J.

It's not perfectly clear here, but it looks like the side bars provided are the 8" set, meaning they hold the scroll rods 8" apart from each other. Is that correct?

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Donnett H.

Yes ll the measurements of the side bars are based on the hole with apart. Example on the 6" Sidebar the bar its self is about 71/2" long but the furthest holes are 6" apart. I hope that helps. :D

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Nancy R.

Absolutely love these frame sets the tape is so easy to put on fabric Your project stays tight no slipping Try these you will love love it my old frames went to Goodwill

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Donnett H.

They are just the best right! I LOVE the tape it makes putting your project on and off so easy. Plus you can get super tight tension I just love them and I am glad you do as well. Thanks!

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