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Sticky Hoop - Bernina / RS4  260mm x 400mm w/ Peel 'n Stick
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Sticky Hoop - Bernina / RS4 260mm x 400mm w/ Peel 'n Stick


UPC: 810085130376
$79.99(regularly $89.99 )

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Will likely ship tomorrow

For models: Artista 185E, 200E, 630E, 640E, 730E

Sticky Hoop

Hoop-free, hoop sideless, hoop sticky!

Provides a flat surface for hoopless embroidery. Pre-cut, tearaway adhesive stabilizer gives a strong stable hold for embroidery projects.

The flat metal frame streamlines trimming for applique and in-the-hoop projects. No embroidery rings to interfere with trimming! And, since materials can extend beyond the sewing field, the Sticky Hoop is "sideless"!

Sticky Hoop Includes

  • Sticky Hoop frame
  • 5 sheets of Peel 'n Stick tear-away adhesive stabilizer pre-cut for your hoop size
  • 4 adhesive centering rulers

How to use Sticky Hoop

Remove the protective paper from the Peel 'n Stick adhesive stabilizer. Place the metal frame, wrong side up and finger press the sticky side of the stabilizer to the wrong side of the metal frame. Turn the hoop right side up.

Place your item on the adhesive stabilizer, attach the frame to the machine and stitch the design.

Designed for Ease

Sticky Hoop comes with a metal bottom frame. The bottom frame includes a machine attachment that is recognized by the embroidery machine.

Snap Hoop Monster Owners - Please Note

The Sticky Hoop frame and Snap Hoop Monster frames are not interchangeable. Each has been designed to perform its intended task efficiently and smoothly. Applying adhesive to the bottom of Snap Hoop Monster will remove the hoop’s ability to glide effortlessly across the machine bed.  Conversely, The Sticky Hoop frame should ONLY be used with adhesive applied to the back of the frame.

Click here for machine compatibility chart

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