Yes it does, Lynda. Thanks for the question.
[email protected]

Heather B.

Theresa J.

Heather B.
There is one guard per box, Theresa. Thanks for the question.
[email protected]

Barbara W.
heather I need you help regarding my email address, I have always used my husbands however my computer guy set up one under the following idenification
If you need any other info please call me

Heather B.
Hi, Barbara. Thanks for the question. You can update your email address from the Account Profile page at any time:
(You will need to log in first using your husband's email address).
Or, give us a call and we'd be happy to update your email address over the phone: (435) 755-0486.
[email protected]
Lynda J.
Does the hoop guard work with baby lock destiny2