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September 17 Live* with Eileen

Live with Eileen Roche on Between Friends this week,Live with Eileen Roche we'll get to see great tools for hoopless embroidery.

Sticky Hoop

Skip to see Eileein demonstrate using a Sticky Hoop for an Embroidery Buddy (plush animal made for embroidery) and other embroiderables: makeup case, spa slippers.  Elaine's hint: a bigger hoop gives the sole of the slipper something to rest on, keeping it stable during embroidery.  Also: the sticky hoop will be availble for more machines, soon!

Eileen talks about preparing to stitch on adhesive stabilizer: fuse a no-show-mesh or something similar like fuse-so-soft.

Eileen also demonstrates for us how to patch sticky stabilizer from the back, saving you money. Use protective paper to protect your surface, and press all the corners down carefully!

Eileen addresses questions about cleaning sticky stabilizer from the back of your hoop, including not removing it, using rubbing alcohol, or goo-be-gone.


Eileen discusses how to get your designs centered in the hoop. There's a "risky" way and and a "tested and true" way.  Target stickers are actually a step up from the way I started centering embroidery 30 years ago.  The main risk with target stickers is in whether the item is square in the hoop.  Eileen's Perfect Alignment Laser "PAL"  removes that risk.  

During her explanation of the method, Eileen mentions a helpful blog post. Here's the link to that:

And here's where you can download the crosshair that she mentions:

For replacement rulers for your hoop, Eileen says to call 888-739-0555.

Continuous Embroidery

Eileen demonstrates using continuous embroidery to stitch a larger-than-hoop design. She uses placement marks which are available in Word Art in Stitches, Lace software, and Perfect Embroidery Pro (these can all be found for purchase within the Embroidery Tool Shed software.  She also offers an alternative technique for those  of us who don't use software.  Eileen suggests you begin learning to do continuous embroidery with text -- because of the spaces between letters. Spaces grant you a little grace for messing up.  She notes that you do need to be mindful of the baselines of text.

Wondering where you can get that luscious purple metallic thread? It's Kingstar Metallic dark-purple, and we have it here.



Treasures from the Past

Just for fun, Eileen shares some vintage hand-monogrammed handkerchiefs from Embroidery Arts' owner Richards Jarden.

Judith B.

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Judith B.

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