Great, we're glad that was helpful, Marguerite. Thanks for the feedback.
[email protected]
When you use Embrilliance Thumbnailer, you can use built-in Windows features to make the thumbnail icons show up at your preferred size. This video shows you how to do it in Windows 10. Windows 8 and XP are very similar to Windows 10 in this regard. The steps explained in the video are written below:
If you’ve got Windows 7, the process is a little bit different. The video below will show you how:
Great, we're glad that was helpful, Marguerite. Thanks for the feedback.
[email protected]
Hi, Mary. See page three of the User Guide for info on that:
[email protected]
I know how to change the size of the icons but I have to do each file separately or it goes back to details. Is there a way to set it where will always stay on the large icon setting on all of my images?
Thank you
Hi Sue,
Although File Explorer will remember your last setting when you open each folder again, Windows has made this a folder-specific setting, so you'll have to adjust each folder you'd want different thumbnail sizes for. So if you have a lot of embroidery file folders, you will need to set the size for each one -- once. After that, the computer will remember the size that you chose for each folder.
If you are confident at the computer and are using Windows 7, you might try the Registry Hack method. I tried it in Windows 10, hoping it would work across all the folders at once, but it doesn't. Here is the link to that method if you are interested:
Marguerite K.
This is helpful information. I just finished installing Thumbnailer and ran across same problem in my embroidery designs folder that contained many other folders. I’m glad to know that I only have to do it once.