--------- *update (2020) Designer's Gallery and EmbroideryWorks titles are now being supported by Embrilliance directly---------
--------- *Update: (December 2, 2015) Stitchartist Level 3 is here! See the link to the right.----------
Embrilliance and Designer's Gallery recently released this video about the new digitizing software from Designer's Gallery. Guess what? It's Embrilliance StitchArtist with a different name. StitchArtist Level 3 is set to release the same time as the 1,2,3, levels of Designer's Gallery. Brian Bailie made the announcement to a Facebook group for StitchArtitst on Thursday, and linked a video which basically tours the software. Those who (like me) got StitchArtist Levels 1 and 2 are already familiar with them and eagerly awaiting what StitchArtist 3 can do.
If you want to see just the tour of Level 3, this link will start at that point. I want to point out some highlights for you: the vector application goes both ways -- from stitches to outline, as well as from outline to stitches! I’m sure you'll want to see that in action. There is a feature called styles and style sheets, which you’re going to love.
StitchArtist is the one Embrilliance line in which modules “include” each other. That means if you buy Level 3, you are also getting Levels 1 and 2. If you already have Levels 1 and 2, then you can buy Level 3 as an “upgrade,” so that your price is about the same (give or take coupons) as you would have paid to buy all three at once.
In case you missed it, the eagerly-awaited StitchArtist Level 3 is about to launch*. That is so exciting!