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Universal Digitizing Service

If you need an embroidery design created from a sketch, photo, or graphic file, we recommend having it custom digitized by Universal Digitizing. They will take your artwork, clean it up, produce an embroidery file of your choice, and even send you an image of an actual sewn sample.

Their pricing is based on the finished design stitch-count (you can also request a quote). Click Here for pricing.

Embroidery Central is not affiliated with Universal Digitizing. They have their Login and method for delivering completed designs.

Tim B.

morning....I have a logo that I would like to have digitized; the idea is to make it into a velcro patch.

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Leah W.

Hi Tim,

Thank you for reaching out with your question! It looks like you found the right page. I would recommend reaching out to Universal Digitizing. They should be able to help you out! I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions, and have a great day.

Leah W.
[email protected]

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cora j.

I need a special school des

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Kirsten S.

Hi Cora, I suggest you contact Universal Digitizing for help with that.

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Deborah P.

i have a picture of a dog that i need digitizing. Had it done by two digitizers but was breaking needles in some areas as too many layers. Can you help and how much will it cost. I do these designs on hand towels, towels in pes and jef files

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Heather B.

Hi, Deborah. We're sorry to hear of your difficulty in digitizing this design. does not offer digitizing. We recommend contacting the company listed on this page (Universal Digitizing) directly and being sure to mention the problem you were having previously. Their contact information follows:

Best wishes with the project!

[email protected]

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Penny S.

I am looking to have a side image of an old Ford farm truck with the words Richards' Farm digitalized for me to use as a family logo. I have an image of the truck to do in red and the wording would be in white. The logo will be embroidered on the left side shoulder/chest area of each shirt so it should be no larger that 3.5"x 3.5">

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Kylee F.

Hi, Penny. That sounds like it will turn out super cute! does not do digitizing. However, we do recommend contacting Universal Digitizing. You can contact them directly in order to place an order with them at Good luck with your design!

-Kylee Shaffer

[email protected]

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I am looking for the Alcoholic Anonymous circle with triangle, Unity, Service, Recovery in a 5" design.

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Heather B.

Hi, Debora. We do not carry the Alcoholic Anonymous logo. I'd recommend contacting Universal Digitizing directly: 888-778-4803.

[email protected]

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Liuba T.

Looking a custom digitizing? Welcome to ArtEmbropidery! Check my job and sent e your request (including picture, size and embroidery format) through y FB Messenger:


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Sharon A.

My son in law is part of a business and they would like the logo image to be created in a jef format that I can do on their shirts using my embroidery machine. Is that something you can do?

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fanny d.

Alguien me podria ayudar ? Tengo que descargar un programa Wilcom para mi maquina de bordar Janome 230e.....Me podrian ayudar como hago para descargarlos e instalarlos ? por favor

Could someone help me? I have to download a Wilcom program for my embroidery machine Janome 230e ..... Could you help me how do I download and install them? please

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Heather B.

Hola, Fanny. No apoyamos productos Wilcom aquí, yo recomiendo contactar con Wilcom son directamente. Su dirección de correo electrónico es: [email protected]. Mejor de las suertes!

Hi, Fanny. We do not support Wilcom products here, so I recommend contacting Wilcom directly. Their email address is: [email protected]. Best of luck!


[email protected]

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Good Morning I have a logo I would like to have digitized. Since she is pretty detailed Id like a color stop after after every color, So I can change her colors as often as I like. I think having her dress and shoes in applique would be the easiest Don't you? Would any of this be a problem? She is my Business Logo and Id like to be able to use her on Patches as price tags pretty much anywhere Thank you for your assistance. Carol Helton-McPoil Owner; Pixiestitches

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Heather B.

Hi Carol. does not offer custom digitizing, but our affiliate, Universal Digitizing does. Their contact page follows:

Universal Digitizing Link

As regards the design, for myself I would think the shoes would be best done in a fill. If you're wanting applique, I'd choose that for the dress, but not the shoes. The dress is a larger area and would be easier to applique. The shoes are so little that I think they'd be harder to applique, but your digitizer can tell you whether that's plausible or not.

Best of luck with your project!

[email protected]

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Robyn G.

Hi I am looking for a download program to digitise my own photos to embroider. I am in Sydney Australia
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Kirsten S.

Hi Robyn,

Auto-digitizing is an interesting form. It is not sold here at; there are several options, however.

The program I have been aware of for the longest, is called PhotoStitch from Brother's PE Design:
Janome also has a phototstitch software:

I hope you are able to find what you are looking for!

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Sharon B.

I'm looking for some one that can take my art work and do digital designs for me?

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Heather B.

Hi, Sharon. Universal Digitizing, linked through this page, is a company that offers that service.

Starbird, Inc, also offers custom digitizing:

[email protected]

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Kirsten S.

Vicki, You might also check for an estimate from Treemaker:

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Vicki A.

i im looking for coat of arms of amsterdam but cant seem to find one anywhere

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Kirsten S.

Are you looking for it as artwork, as an embroidered patch, or as an embroidery file that you can stitch out?
Here is an embroidered patch:
There's a good picture of the coat of arms here:
I also did not find an embroidery file for stitching the coat of arms out. I suggest contacting Starbird about their custom digitizing and also ask if they would consider it as a stock design.

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