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How do I get my objects window back?

In Embrilliance Essentials, the objects window shows all of the parts of your design. You will need the objects window if you want to make edits to an existing design. For instance, if you want to change the stitching order of the objects. Perhaps you want to erase one of the design elements; you will need the objects window. Or maybe you would like to add or copy an element -- again, the objects window is very useful for these operations.

By default, the objects pane shows in the upper right side of the Embrilliance screen. If it’s missing though, do this:

  1. Go to the View menu, and choose “Toolbars and Windows”
  2. This gives you a list of windows and toolbars. Active items have a checkmark to their left. Find the object window in the list.
  3. If the object window does not have a check mark beside it, then it has been made inactive and that is why it is not showing. Just click on it here, and your object window will be restored.

Joan B.

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Joan B.

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