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Floriani Wet N Gone / 20 in x 10 yds
Brand Logo for Floriani

Floriani Wet N Gone / 20 in x 10 yds

SKU: FWG2010

UPC: 844050098453
$41.99(regularly $46.99 )

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Floriani Wet N Gone

A Dissolvable Stabilizer which:
  • Is soft & sheer
  • Is completely dissolvable
  • Is stronger than films
  • Leaves no fiber residue
Wet N Gone is a superb choice for all lace work, and free standing appliqués (flower pins, paper dolls, etc). Once the embroidery is complete, trim away any excess stabilizer, and rinse design in water. The design is all that remains! Submerging is also an acceptable method of stabilizer removal. One layer should be sufficient for most designs. Wet N Gone is noted for its clean rinse which results in a soft embroidery that can be worn against the skin.

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