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Multi Needle Monster for Janome / GM5 100 x 100 (for use with arms)
Designs in Machine Embroidery logo.

Multi Needle Monster for Janome

Multi Needle Monster

A monster-grip for heavy-duty projects!

Experience the effortless one-step method to hoop and align heavyweight fabrics. The secret is in the patented design of the hoop.

Designed for Ease and Recognized by Your Machine

  • Glides into the embroidery frame holder just like standard hoops.
  • Multi Needle Monster comes with one flat magnetic frame and one metal frame that slips right into the embroidery frame holder.
    Simply lay the stabilizer and fabric over the teal-colored magnetic frame.

    Snap the metal frame in place.

    Slide it into the embroidery frame holder, and voila!

  • Multi Needle Monster is completely flat, eliminating the nuisance of excess fabric falling into the embroidery field.
  • Multi Needle Monster makes tubular embroidery a breeze.

  • Two points of attachment to the machine create a safe, sturdy hold on all fabrics.
  • No screws to tighten or inner and outer rings to force together.
  • Multi Needle Monster is easy on the hands with its ergonomic design.

Be Creative with Heavy-Duty Fabrics
Great for terry cloth, bulky fleece, quilt sandwiches, and all-over embroidery!

There're two hoops to choose from for you Janome!

240mm x 200mm

100mm x 100mm

One metal frame recognized by your machine
One magnetic frame
One magnet safety shield
Four adhesive centering guides

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