Hi Kathryn,
You might like our Let's Learn Together email series on Embroidery Tool Shed. The sign up is on this page: https://www.embroidery.com/lets-learn-tool-shed.
This video shows you how to open an embroidery design.
Basically use the "open" or "File" tool, and then choose the location where your design is. In the video the person uses the drop down menu and then chooses the C:\ drive, which is the computer hard drive. You will do something similar, but instead of choosing C:\, you will scroll down a little farther and find your USB drive. This could be on drive D:\ or E:\ or any other alphabet letter. Your dialogue box will only show you the options that are available on your computer, so if you have your USB drive inserted in your computer it will be one of the choices.
07/07/22 07:40 am MST
Kathy V.
I have an old computer that has Tool Shed on it with other programs that I have purchased. How do I transfer to my new computer?